Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Life Coach?

A life coach is a trained professional who helps you focus on getting out of life what is important to you (even if you don't know what that may be just yet), and helps you to develop the tools to do this independently so that you continue to thrive beyond the confines of your coaching sessions.

My duty as a coach is to empower you to increase your self-awareness in order to facilitate more conscious decision-making. Ultimately, this decision-making turns into focused, organized action that yields positive transformation in your life.

Unlike counseling and therapy, coaching attends to the here and now and where you want to go, rather than your past. Coaching is not about me giving you the answers, but together capitalising on your resources and looking within to find effective solutions. I am not here to "fix" or "judge" you, but I am here to take you from functioning in life at a basic level to functioning in life optimally...are you ready for the journey?

What type of people have a Life Coach?

Executives, professors, college students, entrepreneurs, artists, designers, performers, stay-at-home you can see there is not a "type" of person who has a life coach. However, most people who have a life coach have realized that as with all aspects of life where people want to achieve success, such as sports (coach), education (tutor), business (mentor), help and guidance is needed. Life is no different. People who have a life coach are tired of wasting time and energy by throwing anything at the wall to see what sticks. Ultimately, people who have a life coach are ready to begin breaking through their personal roadblocks to uncover the best of themselves that they can be to begin living the life they always dreamed of and obtaining the goals they envision.

How many sessions will I need?

Unlike a lot of life coaches I don’t mandate long-term contracts. I love it when clients are able to see results sooner than expected and prefer to give people tools they can use to keep moving forward after they have finished working with me.

The average client usually stays with me for between 3 to 6 months. My coaching packages reflect this, but custom packages are available upon request. I will not work with a client any less than one month, as it takes time to cultivate a bond and trust that is required to truly allow the vulnerability required to have a breakthrough.

Can we speak before beginning coaching sessions?

Absolutely! I actually require a 30 minute consultation with every prospective client before taking them on. As with any relationship, you and I both have to ensure that we are the right fit for each other.

It also gives us the chance to get to know each other and understand what we would be working towards throughout your coaching sessions. Click here or email to set up your complimentary 30 minute consultation with me. I look forward to our introduction.

Are there any clients you don't work with?

There are many conditions where life coaching may not be appropriate or I’m not the best life coach for someone, this is why having a consultation is super important. I will be very cautious about taking on clients suffering from certain mental health disorders, as those pre-existing disorders may inhibit my ability to be affective as a coach. Honesty and transparency is the best policy.

Do you do group coaching?

Yes, I can produce something tailor-made for a group setting. It could be a workshop or group coaching session at a school or company, a team-building/bonding exercise with an organization or anything in-between. Please contact me here to inquire about a group coaching opportunity or email

Do you do public speaking?

Yes, I have spoken in many different forums and am always open to learning about new public speaking opportunities. This may include event hosting, panelist or moderator, keynote speaker, etc. Please contact me here or email with as many details pertaining to your event as possible.

What are the payment terms?

I have various coaching packages available, to accommodate the needs of each individual client. Coaching packages may be purchased in full or in bi-weekly auto-payments. Autopay dates will be setup as per client request. Any client requesting less than a two-month commitment will be billed at the standard per session rate (packages are discounted). The minimum commitment time is one month. To schedule your complimentary 30 minute consultation and receive pricing information click here or email